The Insurance Library provides members with access to the richest collection of insurance reference materials in the industry. Selected resources are also available to the general public at no charge.
Our trained staff of librarians are available to support you in your research or can conduct research for you.
The Library’s collection includes more than 100,000 contemporary and historic books, manuals, industry and statistical studies, rating services, and legal treatises. Many of these items are noted in our online catalog. Holdings also include more than 350 insurance and legal trade journals and periodical titles indexed by subject, title, and person/company, all searchable by key word or phrase. The Library’s proprietary article index houses abstracts dating back to the 1970s and can be accessed online by members. In addition, The Library provides access to a database of full text articles for our members.
When conducting research, Librarians have access to numerous databases, including Westlaw, Lexis, Silverplume, and FC&S.
Additionally, we keep current and historical policy forms, including ISO, AAIS, and even some company specific forms.