Dear readers (if there are any left). I am so sorry I’ve failed to write for so long. There are lots of things currently in the works here at the library (stay tuned for updated information on the Insurance Professional of the Year Award Ceremony and an Education Fair!) and I got distracted from my commitment to keep this blog current.

Back when I made the commitment, I had said sometimes the blog posts would be light and merely mention some articles we found interesting. I should have at least kept up posting those light posts because when you stop blogging for awhile there’s a pressure to come back with something big.

I have a post that was started back in May on wedding insurance, but other than that, I think we’ll have to be content with light content. I promise something more researched by the end of summer though (any suggestions on areas of interest?).

As always, thank you for your continued support, of the library and this blog!