Coronavirus: The Debate Continues

Debate and discussion regarding the insurance implications related to the COVID-19 pandemic continue to evolve. In this email we have compiled recent relevant publications and posts. To see earlier compilations on the topic, you can go here and here. In addition to the articles below, the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies has compiled state … Continued

Pandemics & Insurance Part 2

The coronavirus pandemic has unleashed a flood of information since we issued our previous Curated Content on Pandemics and Insurance so it seemed appropriate to provide an updated collection of resources. As a reminder, we will be holding a webinar on the topic, Wednesday, March 25. Two of the articles below are from the Insurance Information Institute’s … Continued

Hard Insurance Market? Hard to Tell!

There have been rumblings about a hard market for several months, but what exactly is a hard market and how do we know when we’re in one? According to IRMI, a hard market is “when premiums increase and capacity for most types of insurance decreases.” Rough Notes defines a hard market as “the period during which underwriting standards are very … Continued