A Fond Farewell

Erin Ayers last “According to The Standard” was published today

Today, The Library joins many in the New England Industry, in wishing Erin Ayers, long-time, and much loved, editor of The Standard, the very best of luck in her future endeavors.

We’ve always had a soft spot for Erin, here at The Library. Often we’d vie for a spot next to her at our big event because she was easy to talk to and always interesting. Erin was a joy to correspond with, should we need information regarding recent local events or suggestions on where to find a particularly tricky statistic.

Erin, we wish you well and we hope you stay in touch!

For those of you who would like to see Erin’s final standard, you can go here: http://www.thestandard-digital.com/thestandard/20140418#pg1

If you’re interested in picking up where Erin is leaving off, you can see the job description below.

Send Resumes to: Susanne Dillman at The Standard

Cyber Insurance Still a BIG Deal!

We know we’ve been re-miss in updating our blog posts, but until we get back on track with that, we thought we’d pop in with a link to a recent Wall Street Journal article entitled: Cyberattacks Give Lift to Insurance: Sales of Cyberinsurance, to a Div…

April Showers. . .

Please Note: this post was supposed to go up while I was on vacation last week! Sorry for the delay, I hope it still proves informative.Where did April go?! We’re heading into the end of May and somehow with one thing and another I didn’t manage to get…

Consumer Services for Lost Life Insurance

One of the many services that The Insurance Library provides for consumers, is to locate current contact information for life insurers. Often people obtain a policy when they first start working, get married or have their first child. They then stick w…

Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You!

About a year ago we posted on wedding insurance. While most of those links are all still appropriate if you’re searching for wedding insurance information, wedding season is gearing up again and we thought we’d revisit the topic. It’s especially approp…

Just for the Health of It!

I’m popping back in to direct your attention to another New York Times article we thought you might find of interest.Throughout the Affordable Health Care debate, Massachusetts has been held up as a an example of how well universal health care can work…

This and That

Yes, it’s been a long time since the last post. I’m trying to do better. Stay tuned to see how that works :).

Saturday there was a fun article in the New York Times featuring Fireman’s Fund insuring movies. It reminded me of my promise to update you about insurance articles.

It also reminded me to let you know we’ve started sending out emails called “Collection Selections” highlighting articles we think might be of interest to our membership as well as new publications which have been added to our collection. If you’re interested in getting added to that list, please feel free to email me: shart@insurancelibrary.org

I also wanted to mention that this week is a big week at the library. Remember last year when we mentioned Don Malecki and Greg Deimling coming to Boston to do a couple of seminars? Well they’re back!

You can still register for either of the classes their teaching on Thursday March 29th, or the breakfast discussion on Friday March 30th:

BRIDGING THE GAPS: Three Common Coverage Gaps In Standard ISO Property, Crime & Liability Coverage Forms

This is a three-hour presentation consisting of talks by Greg Deimling and Don Malecki, along with class participation, dealing with three common coverage gap areas in standard ISO Property, Crime and Liability coverage forms.

At the conclusion of this course, the attendees will be able to:
Identify the potential coverage gaps of property, crime and liability coverage forms;
Understand the rationale for the potential problems;
Determine ways to avoid the gaps, including using better alternatives.

Event Info:
$120 for Insurance Library or Boston Chapter CPCU Members / $150 for non-members OR$200 for Insurance Library or Boston Chapter CPCU Members / $260 for non-members for BOTH SESSIONS

March 29, 2012
8:30 to 11:30 AM
Mintz Levin, 1 Financial Center, Boston, MA
Approved for 3 CE credits in MA and NH (RI credit pending)

Insuring Electronic Information: A Cyber Primer

At the conclusion of this course, the attendees will be able to:

Define and know the definitions and underlying terminology regarding data and data elements;
Realize the difficulty in current policies to provide coverage for various intangible exposures created by technology;

Develop a deeper understanding and use of terminology used in internet and cyber liability policies;

Communicate the need for separate coverage for cyber exposures to clients and associates;
Understand coverage form development at the present time in this line of business.

Event Info:
$120 for Insurance Library or Boston Chapter CPCU Members / $150 for non-members OR$200 for Insurance Library or Boston Chapter CPCU Members / $260 for non-members for BOTH SESSIONS

March 29, 2012
1:30 to 4:30 PM
Mintz Levin, 1 Financial Center, Boston, MA
Approved for 3 CE credits in MA and NH (RI credit pending)

Birds-Eye View of Trends In Insurance Coverage

On March 30, 2012, you’re invited to join us at The Insurance Library for breakfast and conversation with nationally recognized insurance experts Donald Malecki and Greg Deimling. Topics covered may include: Who is an Insured (Trust, LLC, Partnerships), Additional Insureds (Additional Insured vs. Additional Named Insured), Cancellation (what does 12:01 really mean) , and more.

We encourage attendees to send questions ahead of time to better direct the discussion. Please note, it’s possible that your exact question may not be addressed, but it will be taken into consideration. This unique opportunity to speak one-on-one with Mr. Malecki and Mr. Deimling should not be missed!

Event Info:

$80 for Insurance Library Members / $110 for non-members

March 30, 2012
8:30 AM to 10:00 AM (Breakfast will begin at 8:00 AM)
Insurance Library Association of Boston, 156 State Street, Boston, MA
This meeting is not approved for CE credit.

Don’t be a Scrooge!

“At the ominous word ‘liberality’, Scrooge frowned, andshook his head, and handed the credentials back.” — A Christmas CarolOn Black Friday last year, I posted the many ways you could donate to The Library. The ways haven’t changed, though the various…