Onward & Upward

Sandra Glaser Parrillo, 2011 Insurance Professional of the Year Award Winner Donald F. Vose, President of the Board of Trustees for The Insurance Library Association of BostonI’m afraid this blog languished while we worked on the Education Fair in Sept…

Dropping In

In light of the satellite expected to fall to earth, there’s an interesting article on slate about insurance coverage for falling satellites: http://www.slate.com/id/2304426/


We’re overwhelmed with preparations for two big events this fall. The first is our Education Fair,scheduled for Thursday September 8th. We’d love it if you stopped by the Library to explore some of our course offerings, get education counseling or just to take a look at some of our spruced up classrooms. We’ll have refreshments and drawings for some great prizes as well as insurance-related items free for the taking!

We’re also working on preparing printed invitations for The 10th Annual Insurance Professional of the Year Award Ceremony printed this week so that we can mail them out next week. We have 26 tables already reserved, leaving 9 still available (if you’re interested, you should probably act soon!).

Since we’re so busy and I’m finally making a blog entry, you might think I would be popping in to discuss hurricane-related subjects– a lively wind vs. water debate, perhaps. You’d be wrong though. I saw something interesting on the web and thought I would share it here for those who are interested. This spring, I wrote on earthquakes and one of the earthquakes mentioned was the one in New Zealand which damaged Christchurch Cathedral.

They’ve come up with a unique solution for an interim church. They’re creating a cardboard cathedral. The architect has built similar structures in Japan, following their earthquake. You can read more about the solution here, here and here. I think (though I might be misunderstanding the model) that they’ll even have stained glass windows. It’s not a cheap solution, but it is supposed to last for a decade, at which point they hope to have a suitable replacement.

For those of you disappointed we didn’t talk about hurricanes this time, I leave you with a link to this article. It reminds me of a scene from Low and Behold, an independent film dealing with claims adjusters in post-katrina New Orleans. There’s a point in the movie where the main character attends a claims adjuster conference and the leader says:

I used to lay in bed at night and pray to God that he would bring a natural disaster on this country, a disaster so large as to bring massive property damage. No one would get hurt or die. But it would yield the largest claims the industry had ever seen.

The director said that he’d actually heard this speech given when he was training to be a claims adjuster but that no one believed him. Perhaps he wasn’t making it up. . .

Still disappointed? How about this article from the New York Times which mentions:

While insurers have typically covered about half of the total losses in past storms, they might end up covering less than 40 percent of the costs associated with Hurricane Irene, according to an analysis by the Kinetic Analysis Corporation.

Tin, That’s All?

The first year I started at the library was also the first year the library hosted The Insurance Professional of the Year Award Ceremony (for a history of the award please refer to this post). It’s with much pride that we’ve reached the 10th anniversar…

Back to the (Marriage) Future

The last real blog post here discussed wedding insurance. In the course of another research project, I came across an interesting letter from the Department of Insurance in Lansing, MI dated April 9, 1931. The letter discussed speculation in marriage f…

Falling Off the Wagon

Dear readers (if there are any left). I am so sorry I’ve failed to write for so long. There are lots of things currently in the works here at the library (stay tuned for updated information on the Insurance Professional of the Year Award Ceremony and a…

Get Me (and the Caterer) to the Church on Time

Photo: Hugo Burnand/Clarence HouseFound on The Telegraph WebsiteI know I’m (really) late to the party, but with William and Kate’s wedding still on everyone’s mind, and being three weddings into a seven weddings season myself, I thought it would be an…

Not Another Brick in the Wall

I have to admit, I’m a little proud of the title of this blog post, mostly because I think of it as a double entendre. I plan on announcing an educational opportunity for you, specifically one that has to do with construction!Next week you, dear reade…

Plate Movement

That’s not exactly the kind of plate movement I plan on discussing today. As I mentioned last week, I planned on writing a post on earthquakes before I got interrupted by another snow storm. Luckily, because of the lag time before posting far more peop…

Snow Business, Like No Business I Know

It’s snowing again here in Boston and, according to weather.com, it could snow again on the 27th. I don’t usually complain about cold weather because I grew up in Alaska and I prefer the cold to the sweltering heat and humidity Boston can throw at you,…